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Question: Who is the expert behind the Back Injury Guide?
Hi, I'm Dr. Kareem Samhouri, also known as Dr. K. I am the owner and president of Global Fitness LLC, a company dedicated to complete wellness including nutrition, massage, physical therapy, and personal training. I am a graduate of the University of Miami Doctor of Physical Therapy program and have earned a bachelor's of science from the Pennsylvania State University in Kinesiology. |
Additionally, I'm a licensed physical therapist and hold a Health and Fitness Instructor certification from the internationally recognized American College of Sports Medicine as well as my recent certification with the NSCA as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
I've worked in some of the best hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, outpatient physical therapy services, and elite performance gyms in the United States. I've taught personal trainers and physical therapists alike in their roles as one, united front in the best interest of the patient/client.
I have trained countless clients in the fitness industry, while mentoring and teaching other fitness professionals at the same time. I speak regularly to corporations and individuals on improving well being at the workplace. Most recently, I have realized the necessity of bridging the gap between physical therapy and personal training. I have been recognized on many occasions as the expert in creating this bridge.
I am an avid supporter of many charities and associations. I regularly endorses and donates to the following organizations: American Diabetes Association (ADA), Women's Fund, Phlare Magazine (for corporate women), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), MS Society, Philadelphia Expo to combat Childhood Obesity, Miami-Dade Children with Disabilities, the Foundation for Physical Therapy, the Special Olympics, and the Para Olympics.
Question: Who will benefit most from this program?
I t doesn't matter if you are male or female, aged 18 to 88. Protecting your body from injury, managing pain and discomfort as well as preparing your body for a lifetime of activity is an equal opportunity venture! This program is dedicated to all those who suffer in pain and want current, honest and accurate information for the most common back injuries and what to do about them. You will find everything you need in this book, if you are looking for immediate relief from pain, exercises that target your specific situation and to know and understand the healing process for various back injuries and when you can reasonably get back to your daily activities including sports.
Question: What is an e-book and what if I want to purchase a hard book version?
An e-book is a PDF file that is available for immediate download after your purchase. You will receive download instructions for the Back Injury Guide e-book, as well as the bonus reports. You will be able to download them and print them within minutes of ordering.
Having immediate access to these files is a major benefit of e-book distribution. If you want to start your workouts within the next hour, you can do so simply by ordering your e-book and downloading the information. We have found most people prefer this method for ease of use and portability. If you really want a hard book version, please send us an e-mail and we will be happy to consider offering one if we get enough requests. You can
contact us here.